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Brand New Workshop - Landscape Collage

A few months ago, I wrote about looking at 2020 as a 'gift of time'. Rather than racing off to teach workshops, I had the wonderful opportunity to spend many hours in the studio, experimenting, playing and creating with fabric.

I have always loved building up images using lots of small pieces of fabric. Initially I experimented with ;colour wash' techniques, piecing hundreds of small squares or diamonds on point to create some of my earlier large landscapes. Then I moved on to fuse tiles to a background fabric, leaving small gaps for the background fabric to show through.

Over the past six months, I have experimented with overlapping different sized tiles and have been really excited about the results. After making a series of quilts using these techniques, I decided to offer this as a brand new class - Landscape Collage. This is now available to be downloaded to your computer, using the shop page on my website.

Although I would much rather be with you in person, looking over your shoulder as you select fabrics and draw out your design, these online workshops do give us a way to connect while our borders are closed and we are all staying close to home.



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